Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Research Findings - Journal

Student's name: Zanariah @ Zamila Jumat. 10D0112


Title: Computer-Based Assessment in E-Learning:
A Framework for Constructing “Intermediate Constraint”
Questions and Tasks for Technology Platforms

Paraphrase abstract:

The journal is about technology today which offers many new opportunities for innovation in educational assessment
through rich new assessment tasks and potentially powerful scoring, reporting
and real-time feedback mechanisms.

This journal introduces a taxonomy or categorization of 28 innovative item
types that may be useful in computer-based assessment. Its purpose is to provide a practical resource for assessment developers as well as a useful
framework for the discussion of innovative assessment formats and uses in computer-based

Research Findings:

It helps and tells us that Computers and electronic technology offers infinite ways to
enrich educational assessment both in the classroom and in large-scale
testing situations.

With dynamic visuals, sound and user interactivity
as well as adaptivity to individual test-takers and near real-time score
reporting, computer-based assessment vastly expands testing possibilities
beyond the limitations of traditional paper-and-pencil tests.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mind map of Virtual Spreadsheet

 (Click the image to enlarge)

This mindmap is about virtual spreadsheet which is creating a spreadsheet by using Google docs via online. The user will not have to download the software, but just go to "", then click on "create new" and choose "Spreadsheet".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Syllabus of Computer Applications for National Trade Certificate

Ref: Department of Technical Eduaction (DTE), January 2008

Unit Title: Computer Applications for NTC
Unit Status: Essential or Elective - depending on programme
Unit Hours: 60 hours
Unit Value: 0.5
                   101 - USE WORD PROCESSING SOFTWARE
                   102 - USE SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE
                   103 - USE PRESENTATION SOFTWARE
                   104 - USE INTERNET APPLICATION


Aim of the Unit:

1. To gain and demonstrate skills in using office application software at novice level.
2. To apply knowledge/skills of office application software in general working environment.
3. To appreciate the scope, influence and potential of computers in the working environment.

Teaching and Learning Strategies:
1. The learning objectives should be achieved by students through the completion of practical assessments designed to illustrate realistic uses of the office application software.

2. Emphasis will be placed on using practical approach and tutorials on office-orientated application packages.

Assessment Scheme:

Assessment will be in accordance with the latest BDTVEC Certification & Assessment Policy Guidelines *

Assessment 1: Skill area 100 and 101     - 40%
Assessment 2: Skill area 102                  - 30%
Assessment 3: Skill area 103 and 104     - 30%


100. 1  Familiarize with the existing computer facilities (1 hr)
              1. Identify the computer laboratory set-up
              2. Demonstrate how to turn on a computer system
              3. Demonstrate how to log on to the network
              4. Demonstrate how to shut down and turn off a computer system            

101.1  Produce simple document (12 hrs)
1. Familiarize with selected software environment
2. Produce simple documents
3. Format texts of documents
4. Add simple table into documents
              5. Print a formatted document

101.2  Proof reading the document (2 hrs)
1. Use the spell – checker and grammar checker
2. Use the thesaurus
101.3  Apply simple graphics to the document (5hrs)
1. Insert graphics into document
2. Insert border to pages
3. Convert a word processing documents to portable document formatting (pdf) format
              4. Retrieve a pdf documents.

102.1  Produce simple worksheet (10 hrs)
1. Familiarize with selected software environment
2. Produce simple spreadsheets
              3. Format data of spreadsheets

102.2  Use built – in function to solve problems (5 hrs)
1. Apply the different built – in functions to solve practical problems: sum, count, average, minimum and maximum
2. Apply simple formulae: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

102.3  Create and print chart (5 hrs)
1. Create different types of chart
2. Format the chart: label, legend, title

103.1  Create simple presentation (10 hrs)
1. Familiarize with the environment of the selected presentation software
2. Recognize the different views of a presentation: slide views and outline view
3. Insert and position different objects into the presentation to achieve a desired design: text, graphics and charts

103.2  Enhance the presentation (5 hrs)
1. Apply simple transition and animation to the presentation
               2. Set up the slide show            .....                       .
104.1  Use e-mail software (3 hrs)
1. Familiarize with the environment of the selected e – mail software
2. Send an email with subject and data
3. Explore different options of sending and receiving emails 
104.2  Use browser for research (2 hrs)
1. Familiarize with the environment of the  selected browser
2. Explore different available search engines
3. Explore suitable web sites for research